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Who am I?

My main fields of work include psychotherapy and psychosocial counselling, exploring the dialogue between psychotherapy and contemplative traditions of the East. I began my professional training in psychotherapy at the private University of Sigmund Freud in Vienna and Ljubljana, where I completed my undergraduate study of psychotherapy science and received the title of Baccalaureate of Psychotherapy Science (Bakkalaureus der Psychotherapiewissenschaft – BA. Pth). I continued my journey at the Nan Tien Institute in Australia, where I obtained a master’s degree in Applied Buddhist Studies. This study provided me with a detailed overview of Buddhist psychology and contemplative skills to explore not only one's experiences, but also possibilities for incorporating them into modern psychotherapeutic practice.


I have successfully completed specialist psychotherapy modalities of logotherapy and existential analysis, thus obtaining the professional title of Specialisant of Psychotherapy – Logotherapist. I did my specialist study of logotherapy and existential analysis at the Žiče Institute for Spiritual Growth, an accredited educational institution of the International Association for Logotherapy and Existential Analysis – Viktor Frankl Institute of Vienna. The study included theoretical education, personal therapy and experience of the psychotherapy process, as well as independent psychotherapy practice under regular supervision.

I received the European Certificate of Psychotherapy, awarded by the European Association for Psychotherapy, and I am an active member of the Slovenian Association for Logotherapy - Logos. I am involved in regular professional supervision, and in my professional activities, I follow the Codes of Ethics of the Slovenian Society for Logotherapy, the Slovenian Umbrella Association for Psychotherapy and the European Association for Psychotherapy (EAP).


My specific research interests are transcultural and existential psychotherapy, logotherapy, contemplative skills and traditions, Indian indigenous psychologies, mindfulness, and the dialogue between psychotherapy and Indian contemplative traditions.

Book chapter:


Journal articles:

Lectures and presentations:

  • Srakar, D. (2018), "Oporne točke ob branju zemljevida meditativnih praks zgodnjega budizma" ("Supportive points at tackling the map of early Buddhist meditative practices" (invited lecture)), Katedra za zgodovino filozofije in fenomenologije, Oddelek za filozofijo, Filozofska fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani, Ljubljana, 9th March.

  • Srakar, D. (2016), “Human being and it’s suffering through the lenses of Freud, Adler, Jung and Frankl” (lecture), Chinese-Austrian-European Summer School, Chinese Studies Center, University of Salzburg, Dunaj, 18th & 25th June.

  • Škodlar, B. & Srakar, D. (2016), “Ljubeča naklonjenost in sočutje v meditaciji in logoterapiji” ("Loving-kindness and compassion in meditation and logotherapy" (presentation)), 1. slovenski kongres logoterapije in eksistencialne analize z mednarodno udeležbo, Slovensko društvo za logoterapijo - Logos, Ljubljana, 18th July.



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Psychotherapy Srakar, David Srakar sp, Taborska cesta 12, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, EU

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