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Insightful and Mindful Existence


Baccalaureate of Psychotherapy Science,
Master’s Degree in Applied Buddhist Science,
Psychotherapy Specialisant (Logotherapist),
European Certificate of Psychotherapy.

I work in the field of psychotherapy and psychosocial counselling, exploring the dialogue between psychotherapy and contemplative traditions of the East. It is with deep curiosity and genuine interest that I listen to your experiences and how you perceive yourself, the people around you and the wider world. With a directed psychotherapeutic process, I accompany you on the path to improving the quality of your life and achieving the desired changes in your daily feeling, thinking and behaviour.

What can I offer?


50 € I 50 min

An introductory session before beginning of the psychotherapeutic process, aimed at getting to know each other.


70 € I 50 min

Long-term psychotherapeutic treatment for individuals.


125 € I 90 min

Long-term psychotherapeutic treatment for couples.


70 € I 50 min

Individual psychotherapeutic treatment by using an online telecommunication tool.


90 € I 120 min

Introduction to the theory and practice of basic contemplative skills and methods for cultivating compassion, mindfulness and gaining insight.

Psychotherapy is a directed process of raising awareness, alleviating suffering and transforming selected contents of an individual's experiential world, which they usually perceive as unpleasant, disruptive or disturbing. It is based on interpersonal characteristics of the therapeutic relationship between the client and the therapist, as well as on professional use of selected clinical methods to change the client's experiencing of their life.


My professional services include: psychosocial counselling, long-term psychotherapeutic treatment for individuals (individual psychotherapy) and couples (partner psychotherapy) and training in contemplative skills (teaching an individual basic contemplative methods for cultivating mindfulness and facilitating insight into their own experiences).


In my work, I use the methods and approaches of logotherapy and existential analysis, which I complement with existential-phenomenological psychotherapy resources and techniques of Indian indigenous psychology, especially Advaita Vedānta (a school of Hindu philosophy), and early Buddhism.

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Start your journey to yourself

I provide psychotherapeutic services in a well-organized therapeutic space within the Center for Personal Growth and Psychotherapy - CORP at Trg MDB 5, in Ljubljana. By prior agreement, I also conduct therapy via online video call. I offer services in Slovenian, English, Croatian and Serbian.

If you want to sign up for an introductory meeting or are interested in more about psychotherapy, click on the "Book your appointment" button, choose the form of delivery (in person or online), book a free appointment and fill out the contact form.



Psychotherapy Srakar, David Srakar sp, Taborska cesta 12, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, EU

Tax number: 19297220 | Registration number: 8156077000 | TRR: SI56 1010 0005 6610 359 (Banka Intesa Sanpaolo dd)

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